How University 365 is preparing students and employees more quickly for success in an increasingly connected, digital world of work by delivering only the knowledge that's relevant to their job market. This approach also uses neuroscience so you can be successful faster with less stress!

With the rapid adoption of new technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), it's more important than ever for young graduates to enter this field with their eyes wide open. Companies are investing significant amounts on these innovations but do you know who is going into them?
Starting a career is not about waiting until after graduation day as if you felt that all your efforts had come to fruition at that very moment. No, it may be just the opposite- this can sometimes even be when everything begins! Successful people have a lot to offer, but there is also something special about being ready. The joy of success heralds what’s coming next: new opportunities for fulfillment both personally and professionally; however it can be hard finding the right job or company if you're not sure where your path lies within these fields- especially with all this incredible potential waiting out behind every corner! Are students prepared? Their school, university and environment have been too conservative in terms of teaching methods as well as educational content. This has made it difficult for them to face an increasingly digital world where workers will need new skills not seen before or expected tomorrow if they want succeed today.
The digital world is changing rapidly and the skills needed to succeed are constantly evolving. 48% of recent graduates don't have all the necessary talents for working in this environment, which means that many young people will be left behind as technology continues disrupting traditional industries across every sector of society.
There has been a lot of talk about how the job market is changing for university grads and young professionals. The New York Fed data shows that those who are aged 20-24 unemployment rates were at an all time high in 2021 with over 30%. This trend continues six months later, despite efforts by universities across the world to combat it through increased enrollments.
It's no surprise then why so many people want more stable careers where they can make ends meet without constantly worrying whether their next paycheck will come through or not. The fear of not being able to find work or have a job is real for many recent graduates. In fact, at least one-third (35%) do not feel confident they can secure employment after graduation day! This trend extends globally; European employers report that 48% of college grads lack essential skills in today’s digital and connected environment while surveys from Asian companies show 50%. Young Americans are no exception either - a study done by University of North Carolina found only 38 percent were likely pleased with their future prospects following school because it's been hard finding good paying jobs locally around where you live.
Companies are accelerating the digitization process and 90% of them have adopted new technologies that were poorly mastered by graduates, such as Artificial Intelligence.
Over the past few years, technology has become an increasingly important part of everyday life. This year alone we will see more than 40% growth in digital transactions and AI applications are becoming increasingly common place for businesses both big and small across all industries to help them make better decisions when it comes down automation tasks like data analysis or marketing campaigns; this means you cannot simply put your best foot forward if don't know how these newest tools work! However, if you don't really know how to use these tools properly, and everyone pretends that they do, improvement in your career can be more difficult. Only recent graduates or employees with skills in STEM subjects (acronym for Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) will excel at their work because of the level which is required by employers looking specifically when it comes down hiring someone onto certain positions.
The post-COVID19 economy is upon us and it will change everything, but what about education? Has the system adapting other than simply organizing online courses via Zoom or Teams - akin to physical classes at a distance.
The coming years will be an exciting time for University 365 as we continue to recover from the devastating pandemic and others prepare with massive adoption of new technologies. However, it's not all darkness here at our institution! President ALICK MOURIESSE has set out on a mission towards success by creating programs that equip students better than ever before so they can succeed after 2022. "What does your future hold?"
In the world of technology, change happens faster than ever before. What we know and can do today will become obsolete in record time. The rapid changes in technology and science have made it necessary for us to be constantly updated too. Yet there is still hope because neuroscience can help us prepare people needing constant learning during life without forgetting about human nature along the way!

Neurosciences are the scientific study of neuroanatomy, which includes many different fields like biology and chemistry. Neuroscientists have been making tremendous progress with technological advances in medical imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Neuroscientists are interested in a wide range of topics, including the functioning and diseases that affect our brain. They study how memory works to worsen conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson’s; they look at what it means when someone has an illusion like thinking they're wearing clothes even though there is no garment covering their body (this can happen because certain areas lack sensory information). But neuro scientists aren't just curious minds- many have committed themselves fully towards helping others learn new skills through education programs.
The evolution of technology has created a shortage in some key skills and this will continue to increase as new technologies emerge. Data analysts, artificial intelligence specialists, cloud or security experts; innovation engineers - all these jobs need constant up-to date knowledge which can be difficult for many employees who may not keep pace with advancements due to lack of time spent studying/working on their own individual craft. However, it is not always easy to keep up with the ever-changing technologies. And this can be a problem because we who are supposed to master and exploit these advancements for our own benefit find ourselves humans in an increasingly AI world where robots do most of laborious jobs--what will happen when they take over human tasks? University 365 has integrated into its teaching methods, pedagogy and methodology simple concepts derived from neuroscience which do not forget that it is imperative to respect psychological as well emotional aspects along with biological nature of learners.
In the digital world of today, neuroscience is becoming an invaluable tool for optimizing learning processes and improving performance in ultra-demanding environments.
What if I told you that the knowledge is already available to all and for free? You could easily find it online with just a few clicks.The knowledge of almost all the world's wisdom and know-how is available to you, right now. All it takes are some simple internet searches or watching YouTube videos on how things work!
When it comes to teaching, opening your eyes can sometimes sting. But let's be direct and frank because here nothing is really difficult: Yes - most of the knowledge for a subject has already been made accessible on-line or otherwise free by experts in their field who have recognized reputation within this particular domain! Some educational contents even seem more credible than what you would find at school... You can learn how to make a cheese soufflé, build better thighs or converse in Chinese. You will also find exercises that help you solve equations and install virtual servers for hosting databases on the cloud! Everything is available, for free.
Knowing that, the use of educational institutions is often questionable. Why pay so much for courses when someone else has already created the pedagogical content and methods that one could find on their own?
1 - We help students select knowledge that will boost their employability and provide it online, personalized follow-up within the framework of curricula designed to do so.
The course selection process is a time-consuming one that requires knowledge of the subjects covered. In addition, if you want to find employment as well then it will be necessary for proves your skills with official diplomas and certificates from recognized universities or schools in order prove yourself useful on interview venues. The sorting out and selecting the best courses can take up much valuable clock hours but those who succeed know how important this step really could mean later down line when trying get hired!
For that reason, University 365 is committed to providing students with the best possible education and resources, by partnering up-to industry leaders for each program they offer. The university also provides personalized follow through on success in order ensure that you graduate successfully!

With the abundance of knowledge available on internet, today's virtual libraries, it has never been easier to access this information than now. but this abundance has its drawbacks. The good and bad are mixed together in confusion without any distinguishable features present; everything becomes scrambled when accessed digitally which makes sorting difficult. The world is a dangerous place and it's hard to know where you should start. With so much information available, how can anyone be expected have the time or motivation? As if embarking on an treacherous journey wasn't enough by itself-a guide would make everything easier!
University 365 has partnered with the best educational content providers to offer a comprehensive set of courses that will help you succeed in your career. University learning is designed by experts and built on feedback from teachers around world, so it's always up-to date! Our partnership includes Linkedin Learning , Coursera (including courses from Stanford, Dduke, Google, Amazon ... etc.), Cisco, ENI Editions,...etc. There’s no need for reinventing wheels because all these resources can be found right here at One Place : University 365 Online Library that includes all the tools and software needed.
2 - In this new era of neuroscience, we must base our pedagogy on the understanding that it's all about brain activity
Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system. Today, they are at the origin of several discoveries. We know that the human brain is made up of 85 to 100 billion neurons that communicate with each other via what are called synapses. Each neuron can establish up to 60,000 synaptic connections at any given time. This means that no less than 100,000 billion synaptic signals are produced by a human brain every second! This phenomenal number is beyond comprehension because most of the time we are not aware of the importance of the prodigies performed by our brain.
All this power and complexity are designed for one main purpose: To keep us alive and to allow us, in turn, to transmit life and our DNA to our descendants. Thus, the brain is above all the boss of our vital functions that it manages mostly without our own awareness. This is how heart functions, breathing, digestion, immunity but also sight, hearing, sensations, emotions are managed permanently and with perfection.
In addition to the vital functions, our brain and its neurons ensure our cognitive functions and thus our capacity to learn new knowledge and skills, to retain what we have learned, and then to search for, find and restore this knowledge and skills to exploit them in our personal and professional life.
All of these viral and cognitive functions are performed by our brain in the background, we could say, because most of the time they are performed without us knowing, controlling or even being aware of the underlying mechanisms that govern their functioning.
For thousands of years, without any scientific knowledge of how the brain works, Man has developed and used, with some success, teaching and learning methods that are at the origin of our schools, universities and training centers. Although some tools have evolved, screens and digital tablets sometimes replacing chalk and paper, these teaching methods have not really changed.
For thousands of years, without any scientific knowledge of how the brain works, Man has developed and used, with some success, teaching and learning methods that are at the origin of our schools, universities and training centers. Although some tools have evolved, screens and digital tablets sometimes replacing chalk and paper, these teaching methods have not really changed. However, thanks to the results of neuroscience research and modern technologies, we are increasingly able to know and understand what is going on in the "back room".
To free oneself from this necessary reflection and from the strategic decisions that it implies amounts to wanting to continue to treat patients with leeches under the pretext that we have always done it that way and that, despite what science says, we have not found better!
With this new knowledge, we are now able to identify in the old or current pedagogy implemented in almost all educational institutions, what works well and deserves to be preserved, what can be improved and optimized and how, and finally what is probably inefficient or even counter-productive with regard to the very functioning of the human brain. Why education, by wanting to be too conservative, should escape the need to evolve and adapt to the current world. Why shouldn't the almost systematic disruption that positively transforms and upsets entire sectors of the economy also apply to education? Of course, it is not a question of doing anything and changing for the sake of changing and giving the illusion of modernity. No. It is a question of listening to science and perhaps of no longer "remaining in religion" or "entering into it" in relation to this or that method, by pure ideology or dogmatism.
In any case, to free oneself from this necessary reflection and from the strategic decisions that it implies for the future of education amounts to wanting to continue to treat patients with leeches under the pretext that we have always done it that way and that, despite what science says, we have not found better!
3 - Build a biocompatible and personalized learning rhythm with human coaching
By knowing more and more how our brain and its neurons work thanks to neuroscience research, we are now able to optimize learning processes and give tips to make everything work better, faster, with better results in assimilation, comprehension and memorization.

Like the training of top athletes, the intervention of a human coach capable of following the evolution of a learner and guiding and motivating him/her independently of the courses and teachers is a fundamental aspect integrated in the pedagogy of University 365.
We know, for example, which part of the brain is mobilized when we feel certain emotions. We also know the impact of these emotions on our ability to better understand or retain new information.
With the contribution of neuroscience, research shows that learning curricula are assimilated as much or even better in 2 hours than when they were taught for 8 hours in a traditional way.
Since then, University 365 has worked to adapt its pedagogical content and methods to create "University 365 Neuroscience Pedagogy" (UNP), a unique concept that results from the compilation, synthesis and simplification of the best learning methods that adapt to the brain and do not work against it as is often the case with traditional methods.
University 365's pedagogy is designed to improve:
It integrates days of classes that do not exceed 2 hours. These 2 hours are composed of 2 to 4 minute sessions of classes spaced out by 5 to 10 minutes of breathing, stretching and relaxation. At the end of each two-hour day, a guided meditation is necessary to facilitate assimilation and memorization. With the contribution of neurosciences, research shows that learning curricula are as much or better assimilated in 2 hours than when they were devoted to 8 hours of traditional teaching.
All courses are therefore divided into 2-hour days with sessions of about 20 minutes each and the course is guided and monitored individually by a human coach. The result is that by spending 4 times less time studying with this method, you get much better results. The original process implemented here has been named UNOP for "University 365 Neurosciences Oriented Pedagogy". It includes many complementary tools that are used in the architecture of the lessons. The results are astonishing and learners progress at a dizzying speed without even realizing it, while having the time and mind free to do many other things!
University 365 applies the paradigm of high level sport. A guided course studied but above all personalized.
4 - Teach only the skills most in demand in the job market
Unlike many economic and industrial sectors affected by the COVID-19 recession, the technology sector is booming. According to the latest World Economic Forum report on employment, the most in-demand jobs are in the digital sector. Forbes magazine even states that this sector will experience a significant shortage of employees with more jobs available than targeted skills available.
University 365's development council integrates the study of reports, analysis and participation of major economic and industrial players such as Linkedin, Microsoft, Cisco, Coursera, Gartner, World Economic Forum, ...etc. The results indicate that it is necessary to train mainly in the technology sectors including Big Data, specialists in Data analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, experts in IoT (Internet of Things) or robotics. The Cloud and all that revolves around it is also a vast field where career opportunities are developing.
86% of digital leaders predict a shortage of digital talent in the next 10 years.
One of the most difficult challenges is that technologies are evolving at a very fast pace making it difficult for educational institutions to adapt and stay up to date. As a result, courses are quickly becoming obsolete and programs are not evolving fast enough year after year. As a result, 86% of digital leaders predict a shortage in this area in the next 10 years according to a recent LogicWorks survey.
It is therefore essential to adopt a strategic approach for all students, young professionals or employees in order to take advantage of this trend and see it as an opportunity and not fall victim to it in the future. Choosing an educational institution that knows how to adapt to a very fast pace, offers the best training subjects and knows how to stay in touch with the job market is essential. Likewise, having the opportunity to continue your studies or to complete your training when you are already employed, while not spending all your time on it, is an undeniable plus.
University 365's initial training programs, from Master of Science (Bac+5) to Bachelor of Science (Bac+3) and Associate of Science (Bac+2), as well as the short specialized diploma programs, are composed exclusively of subjects and skills that are highly sought after by the job market. Of course, all University 365 courses are adapted to the UNOP methodology.
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